ECHA webinar: information about hewavalent chromium

Gain understanding of specific technical, procedural and regulatory issues when preparing and submitting an application for authorisation (AfA). Info given and discussions during the TIS are not:

  • to give specific advice on how to make a good application,
  • to evaluate how strong the potential applicants’ cases might look like, 
  • to prejudge what the Scientific Committees or the Commission will focus on.

15:00 - 16:30

  1. ECHA's responses to the questions (grouped in categories or themes) submitted by the potential applicants. (15.00-16.00)
  2. Q&A on elements which may have not been sufficiently explained and require further clarification (16.00-16.30)
  3. Closing of the TIS (16.30)



Doelgroep: The group TIS is intended for companies using hexavalent chromium, which wish to prepare and submit an AfA.

Taal: English

Organisator: ECHA
