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- Rich source of information on surface technology
- Be part of an active network in coating technology
- Discounts or free participation in training initiatives (course, seminars, etc.). In addition, you can count on 20 to 30% subsidy for our training courses because VOM is a certified training provider for the SME portfolio.
- Participate at our knowledge -and networking event
- Free promotion of your activities to stakeholders (construction companies, metal processing industry, etc.)
- Free to be mentioned on the interactive database on the website of VOM
- Free promotion of your business activities through the monthly magazine VOM INFO
- Access to join various theme-oriented working groups and committees of the association
- Permanent information service
- Awareness of regulations, both on European and regional level.
All the companies interested in surface treatment can register as a member of VOM. The membership includes every employee of the company.
Members can enjoy the advantages of the membership starting from the day the annual contribution is payed.
For more information, click this link.