Passed events

Here is a list of events that have already passed.

Automotive Circle Conference: Car body painting

Organizer: Automotive Circle

Where does automotive painting stand here? What experiences have we already gained, which hurdles do we still have to overcome? And which systems and process materials will support OEMs on their journey to creating a future-proof paint shop?

See the event


Organizer: ET'Air

Lancement du projet Interreg FWVL ET’Air / Start van het interreg FWVL ET’Air project

See the event

MIKROCENTRUM; Het Lijm-event: al 5 jaar hét event rond lijmtechnologie


Op donderdag 11 oktober vindt de 5e editie van het Lijm-event plaats! Deze lustrum-editie staat in het teken van uitdagende lijmvraagstukken

See the event


Organizer: Reed Exhibition, Olaf Freier

See the event

Toelichting bij de nieuwe EN ISO 12944

Organizer: VOM vzw ism Rijkswaterstaat, TQC Sheen, Smolders SSO

Herziening van EN-ISO 12944 ‘Bescherming van staalconstructies tegen corrosie door middel van verfsystemen’

See the event

Catalisti-GreenWin Matchmaking Event

Organizer: Catalisti & Green Win

Discover cooperation schemes and funding opportunities between Flanders and Wallonia

See the event