EGGA ASSEMBLY 2019, European General Galvanizers Association

Assembly 2019 will be held at the Hilton Old Town Antwerp, 11-13 June 2019. Organised by EGGA together with Zinkinfo Benelux, Assembly 2019 is your opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the galvanizing industry and its customers, including reports on EGGA activities.


Hilton, Antwerpen

Tuesday 11 June
Registration (from 10:00)
Optional Walking Tour (morning)
Lunch (12:30 - 14:00)
Conference Programme (14:00 – 17:30)
Assembly Dinner at the Horta Restaurant - Sponsored by Rezinal NV

Wednesday 12 June
Conference Programme (09:00 - 17:00)
Assembly 2019
Party & Benelux Trophy (evening)

Thursday 13 June
Optional Visits to Galvanizing Plants; Leading Steel Fabricators/Manufacturers of Steel Products

Lieu: Hilton, Antwerpen

Groupe cible: Assembly 2019 is open to anyone whose company is a member of an EGGA national galvanizers association.

Langue: English

Organisateur: EGGA, in colaboration with Zinkinfo benelux


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